Our agreement outlines our commitments to each other in BSS6.
Staff will:
- Provide the necessary teaching and tuition required to complete all courses
- Arrive at lessons punctually
- Issue termly or annual schedules of work with guided independent study tasks identified
- Set work regularly, mark and return it within an agreed time
- Ensure appropriate work is provided in cases of absence
- Ensure that student progress is reported regularly through the school reporting system
- Provide information for references
- Inform Heads of Subject and Sixth Form Leadership Team regarding student progress
- Maintain accurate attendance records
Students will:
- Abide by the core values of the school
- Never adversely affect the learning of others in lessons or private study
- Attend all lessons to maintain a full-time programme of study
- Arrive at lessons punctually
- Complete guided independent study tasks for each subject as per the subject schedule
- Attend the appropriate Sixth Form assemblies, tutorial lessons and conferences
- Complete all tasks by agreed dates
- Adhere to the dates given on subject schedules and the Academic Calendar for the completion of coursework
- Abide by the Sixth Form Dress code including the wearing of a lanyard
- Abide by Fire Regulations
- Sign in/out using the electronic system
- Follow the correct protocol for absences