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GCSE Results Day 2024

Delighted students, parents and staff are celebrating phenomenal GCSE results at Bishop Stopford School. Last year’s results placed the school in the top 2% of the country for progress and those published today indicate even stronger performance!  

The 217 students who sat exams achieved magnificent results in all of the Department for Education’s ‘headline measures’. Three quarters of them achieved a strong pass (grades 5 and above) in both Maths and English, while 92% achieved a standard pass (grades 4 and above) in this measure. An incredible 45% of all entries graded 9-7 (historically A*-A) and over a quarter of all entries graded at 8 or 9.  

While the national picture shows that the pass rate is 67%, we are thrilled that over this is over 90% at Bishop Stopford School – testament to the consistent strength across the board. 

Individual achievements have therefore been impressive:  57 students (over a quarter of the cohort) achieved at least 8 GCSEs at grades 7-9, and 13 students were awarded grades 8 and 9 in all 11 of their qualifications - outstanding achievements.  

Students were delighted, seeking out their teachers to thank them for their encouragement and support.  Corinne Avery said, “The school is amazing! All my teachers have been brilliant and I couldn’t have done it without them. I’m over the moon!” 

Tammy Olotu, who  said, I feel really proud of my results and I’m really glad I  pushed through and worked hard. I have enjoyed Bishop and will be staying for sixth form.’ 

Headteacher Jill Silverthorne said, ‘Quite frankly, these results are incredible! Today is an absolutely fitting tribute to our amazing Year 11 students. I am so proud of them all. It’s easy to focus on those with the top grades, but the progress today made by all groups of students – boys, girls, higher and lower ability students, those with special needs or those socially disadvantaged – will be the envy of most schools in the country. 

‘Our mission at Bishop Stopford School is to unlock each student’s potential. These results absolutely confirm that the tireless professional work of our staff team has accomplished that mission for these amazing young people. What is so satisfying is that our students have set themselves challenging goals and met them by taking full advantage of the quality of support, teaching and learning which goes on week in week out at our school. And today is their rich reward.  

‘They can now go on to their post-16 studies confidently, knowing they have great foundations on which to build. We wish them all the very best.’ 

Mrs Howes, whose son Will took GCSEs, said, ‘I am just so proud of Will’s achievement. He’s worked so hard and thoroughly deserves his success. I can’t praise the support and teaching from Bishop enough. It’s been a real partnership – a team effort that has really paid off.’  

More photos from GCSE Results Day 2024 here