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The Academic and Personal Development Curriculums


Both the academic and the personal development curriculums are of equal importance at our school.

As Our Intent states, ‘our aim is that every student should realise his or her unique potential. Our Christian ethos and core values are expressed in all that we do: the culture is articulated through highly productive relationships and there is a strong sense of identity and belonging. As a result, our curriculum nurtures and challenges, prioritises individual worth and social cohesion, and fosters independence and interdependence. Character development goes hand in hand with our striving for academic excellence. We want students to leave us happy and healthy, with a strong moral compass as well as with qualifications which have integrity.’

Our academic curriculum has been a real strength historically and remains so today.  Outcomes are, in national terms, outstanding and testify to the quality of all that we do. Teachers are well-versed in their subjects; students are eager to learn and there is an aspirational culture across our School.

Complementing our academic curriculum is a carefully designed Personal Development curriculum. It is through this that our culture and beliefs are cemented – beliefs that each individual will succeed, and that our community will celebrate difference while creating a strong sense of identity and belonging.

Underpinned by our Core Values and practices as a Church of England School, the academic curriculum is delivered through specialist subject areas and the personal development curriculum through a range of activities with PSHE (Personal, Social, Health  and Economic education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) at the core.


Leaders’ balanced focus on high quality education and Christian ethos ensures that pupils benefit from consistent attention to academic learning and personal and spiritual wellbeing.                             SIAMS Inspection Report