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The Sixth Form is an important time for our students to make decisions about their futures beyond school.  We are very proud to have achieved the Gold Standard for our careers work, including in the Sixth Form. 

Careers Education and Guidance is an integral part of our Key Stage 5 curriculum, with students learning about post-18 pathways and then being supported in making applications to destinations of their choice. 

Students go on to a variety of pathways. We are delighted to have supported an increasing number of them to highly prestigious apprenticeships, such as those with Mercedes and in Finance in the City of London.  Regularly, about 90% of our students progress successfully to university with many securing their first choice or Russell Group places. We are delighted to have a vibrant Oxbridge, and Medical Science Programme to support students on these particular routes. 

As part of our curriculum, we offer work experience in Year 12 as well as visits to careers and university fairs and we welcome many visitors into school, including our Alumni, to share experience and further provider information. 

We are fully compliant with the Baker Clause in relation to Careers Education and Guidance.