“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.” Wittgenstein.
All students at Bishop Stopford School have an enriched experience of reading across the curriculum and reading for pleasure. Reading is judiciously planned into the curriculum to ensure that students can access resources, unlocking their unique potential; all students regardless of prior attainment, background and needs will make progress through prioritising a range of appropriate reading and associated interventions. This is such a priority for us that assessment for our new Year 7 intake occurs before they start with us. As a result, potential needs are identified for action from the very start of a student’s time with us.
Reading for pleasure
Students are expected to have a ‘book in the bag’ and all students in Key Stage 3 are expected to select a reading book of their choice and read for the first ten minutes of English and cover lessons. In addition, students participate in a range of wonderful whole school events such as Bishop Book Week, author visits, library competitions and the national Poetry by Heart competition. Our library is extremely well sourced; our Librarian supports students with their book choices during Library lessons in Year 7 and lunchtimes and breaktimes too.
Reading across the curriculum
There are planned opportunities for guided reading tasks across the curriculum. Students are introduced to a wide variety of subject specific vocabulary in glossaries and are encouraged to be aspirational in their application of vocabulary to build self-confidence and access more challenging, ambitious texts.
Support for reading
Students who are below the expected standardised score in reading comprehension in Key Stage 3 are offered small group reading interventions or Reading Partners intervention as well as a focus on developing reading comprehension accuracy and fluency. Students are also exposed to ambitious vocabulary through Bedrock, an online programme which is monitored by English teachers. A specialised spelling intervention programme is also offered by the Inclusion team to support students to make progress and access the demands of the Key Stage 3 curriculum. Other bespoke provisions are made in response to identified need, such as a phonic programme (Units of Sound) and other in-person or online literacy interventions.
Our Year 12 student Reading Ambassadors work closely with our Librarian and Inclusion team to deliver reading support to Year 7 students. The Inclusion team and Reading Ambassadors receive regular training from the Literacy Lead and SENDCo. For example, Reading Ambassadors are trained both to read and listen to younger students reading and then ask the accompanying questions from a reading record. These specific questions develop a range of comprehension skills.
Continued emphasis is placed on Bedrock as part of English homework to ensure consistency of support in Years 7 and 8.
Mrs Fletton - Literacy Lead
"Spoken language forms a constraint, a ceiling not only on the ability to comprehend, but also on the ability to write, beyond which literacy cannot progress". Myhill and Fisher.