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Specification: AQA

"...the development of language skills is vital for economic prosperity, social cohesion and the acceptance of diverse cultural identities."

BBC, 2017

We offer two European languages: French and Spanish. If you decide to continue with a language at A level you will be able to:

  • have an edge in a competitive job market
  • communicate in an authentic way whilst travelling
  • experience foreign cultures in a deeper way, not just as a tourist
  • communicate in a variety of situations by developing your communication skills in English as well as a foreign language.
  • Skills
  • Understanding of the spoken word for both gist and specific details.
  • Understanding of the written word for both gist and specific details.
  • Ability to discuss topics in depth e.g cinema, music, politics and social issues.
  • Ability to translate from and into the target language.
  • Ability to present structured, reasoned arguments using the written word.

Key Stage 5

Students in Year 12, follow the new AQA A Level courses in French & Spanish.

The Key Stage 5 Curriculum Plans for French and Spanish can be found at the bottom of this page.


For Year 12 & 13, it is recommended that you take part in work experience visits, which are organised and administered through Acorn Educational Exchanges or, where viable, on school study visits to Geneva or Madrid, in order to enhance your linguistic and cultural knowledge.

For further details, please contact Mrs Rogers-Hussey, Head of Modern Foreign Languages.

All current plans for sixth form programmes of study at Bishop Stopford School are provisional, dependent on student numbers and government policy.