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It has been a day of great celebration for Year 11 students at Bishop Stopford School. They have achieved superb GCSE results which are significantly higher in all measures than national performance.

After a tremendous amount of hard work over the past two years, students were rewarded with over 25% grades at 9-8, and 40% of all grades awarded at 9-7. 87% students achieved standard passes and 70% strong passes in both English and Maths.

65% of students achieved the EBacc – a challenging range of academic subjects (English, Maths, Science, History or Geography and a language). Over two thirds of them achieved a strong pass in this measure.

Students have shown huge commitment to their studies, and have been rewarded for responding so positively to the provision in place – both online during the pandemic and on return to school after lockdown. Today is testament to their hard work and responsiveness to all that was provided.

Angel Osuya and Taranija Premathasan who between them obtained 15 grade 9 and 6 grade 8 GCSEs


Angel Osuya’s mother said, ‘‘Bishop Stopford School, what can I say? Great school, great teachers and great support for students. My daughter made brilliant progress to be where she is today. Thank you so much for your hard work and commitment to education – I’m one proud mum today.’

Headteacher Jill Silverthorne said, ‘These GCSE results follow the superb results achieved by our A Level and BTec students last week. Both year groups have maintained the exceptionally high standards which are a hallmark of our school.

‘The results this week are nothing short of excellent. All students have different starting points, but all groups have performed extremely well, meaning that they now have great foundations to move on to the next stage of their education.

‘The dedication of our young people has been rewarded – as has their confidence in the provision they have received over the past two years. The whole staff team has worked tirelessly to support students in achieving ambitious targets, and we are thrilled that our students have been able to achieve their unique potential.’

Bishop Stopford students celebrating their GCSE results together