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Bishop Stopford School students are today celebrating phenomenal results. While the national rate of A and A* has fallen significantly, the results at Bishop Stopford School are the best ever - including at the top grades.

An impressive 73% of grades awarded were A*-B. 15 students achieved A* across all their subjects and a further 30 achieved all A* and A grades. 200 students sat exams across 24 subjects and in every subject, at least half of the students achieved A*-B grades. BTec results were equally strong, with the vast majority achieving Distinction and above. This consistency is exceptional.

Headteacher Jill Silverthorne said, ‘I am incredibly proud, but also humbled by the results achieved. This is the day to celebrate our students’ success. They have responded magnificently to the challenges they faced and committed themselves whole-heartedly to their studies. I am full of admiration for their resilience to achieve such superb outcomes.

‘The results are also testament to the supportive and collaborative ethos of our school. Our staff have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic and during this year to ensure our students have been provided with the best education possible. In the words of one student, “I couldn’t be happier today – I’ve had amazing support from school over my entire time here and I can’t thank them enough.’

We wish all of our students the very best as they embark on their chosen pathways.

Lakshmi Kowdley Hemanth – who achieved 3 A*s at A Level and will go onto study medicine at UCL.

Lakshmi’s proud parents said, ‘Thank you to the school and all the teachers who were so supportive especially during the pandemic. Not only was the academic support excellent, but well-being was top of the list which helped the students immensely.’

‘We couldn’t be happier!’ Bishop Stopford students celebrate their success.